Work Life (Visual Novel / Game)
No Matches


  • Work-Life is a Visual Novel focusing on relationships in a modern workplace
  • There are successful routes and failure routes
  • The story is kinetic (predetermined) with options affecting only small variations of a story (mainly character preferences)
  • There is no conflict between potential interests as the "romance" is a only a subtext


It is inspired and loosely based off of Tokimeki Memorial with the following differences:

  • deeper character story lines
  • transparent, no-rng, task-based relationship value replacing hidden stat values
  • older characters
  • negative action (rumors) replaced with weekend emergency events. tunneling one character's story will not lead to bad end, only slows down relationship gain.
  • no cost to check character relations

Curious? Watch a playthrough here!

There is also a lengthy review / playthrough from Action Button here

Other Notes

  • This was built for the 2024 GBA Jam.
  • It took between 250-400 hours (4-6 hours 6 days a week) over the course of about 80 days.
  • It is my first game and built in honor of NHK.